AniFinder is an AI-powered Anime generator based on the user's preferences. The generator is powered by Google's AI, Gemini Pro. The prompts include an anime genre and reference anime to generate a similar anime the user may enjoy.
I'm a Software Engineer from Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I am Peter, an aspiring Software Engineer at LSU graduating in May 2026.
My Projects:
A Python-based web scraper focused on GymShark products. The server is hosted using Python Flask, with Caddy used to reverse proxy over HTTPS. The backend Python server provides data via an API endpoint. The frontend, built with React, displays the information on a webpage and includes a Progressive Web App (PWA) that sends browser notifications through a service worker.
A simple weightlifting warmup calculator to help lifters work up to their personal best attempt safely. The calculator works seamlessly on mobile as a Progressive Web App (PWA) for user convenience.
The nutrition tracker provides users the ability to calculate their basal metabolic rate (BMR) and lose weight with the calorie tracker. Information about meals is API returned. Users can add specific foods, which then subtract the provided macronutrients from their daily goals.
About me:
I'm Peter, an aspiring Software Engineer at LSU. I graduate in May 2026 with a B.S in Computer Science. In my free time I powerlift with friends, go fishing at grand isle, and program to relax my mind. I began programming with Java, though I've become accustomed to HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and Python, which is my current preferred coding language. That's it about me for now, take time to take a look at my resume or projects to see what I've been working on.
My Experience:
Baton Rouge, LA
Student Web Developer
May 2024 - Present
• Worked on the teacher’s portal for Brbytes’ new website to improve functionality and aesthetics
• Collaborated with team members to achieve goals and merge changes made in git repos
• Incorporated bootstrap tools to enhance the front-end design and leverage pre-built components
• Fixed merge conflicts to ensure quality end product
• Developed HTML essentials like navigation bar, dropdowns, logout logic, etc.
• Debugged issues with bootstrap cards cutting off vertically, fixed by ensuring dynamic nature
Baton Rouge, LA
Cloud Security Engineer Intern
June 2024 - Present
• Learned the intricacies of the product to understand limitations and potential to benefit customers
• Interacted with team members across the world to stay up to date with necessities and issues
• Updated informative sheets to help co-workers stay up to date with new product updates and completed customer feature requests
• Developed a two-node kubernetes cluster on GCP and implemented the informative dashboard
• Looked into bugs of the product to open CFR requests